
Bourse : Toutes les prévisions 2012 réunies

Macro Outlooks and Predictions

Predictions are hard, especially about the future….

Top equity strategist outlooks for 2012 –  Business Insider

Difficult 2012 for fixed income?   –  Morgan Stanley

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How to trade emerging markets in 2012 – CitiGroup

2012 global strategy – Bank of America

2012 Market outlook – Ed Yardeni, Yardeni Research

10 surprises for 2012 – UBS

Recession in 2012?  Flip a coin – SF Fed

2012 Forex shocker – Nomura Research

Will 2012 Be Europe’s Minksy Moment?  – PIMCO

2012 outlook – Jim Rogers

5 key questions for 2012 –  Goldman Sachs

2012 – the year of diminished expectations – Mark Zandi, Moodys

2012 Global outlook – Morgan Stanley

2012 – The Year of the reckoning – Peter Schiff

The 6 biggest questions of 2012 answered – Bob Janjuah, Nomura

Richard Bernstein’s favorite picks for 2012

Bob Doll – 10 predictions for 2012 – BlackRock

Will the shorter business cycle lead to recession in 2012?  –  Deutsche Bank

Continued volatility, but no recession in 2012 – Jeff Saut, Raymond James

5 Consumer challenges heading into 2012 – Gluskin Sheff

2012 outlook on China – The Telegraph

Forecasting Italy’s Borrowing needs in 2012 – Sober Look

The three recession risks – Credit Suisse

Europe to double dip in 2012? – Capital Economics

Sluggish growth to continue –  CEO & CFO surveys

The “Doomsday view of 2012″ – Binghamton University

Eurozone debt redemptions will force Europe to act in 2012 –  Credit Agricole

Depression will lead to collapse of the Euro – Felix Zulauf

Recession is still coming – Lakshman Achuthan, ECRI

No way to avoid recession in 2012 –  Hoisington

2012 will mirror 2009 –  Societe Generale

The global economy to slow in 2012 – ScotiaBank

5 important global trends to watch in 2012 – Nomura Securities

Moderate economic expansion to continue – FedEx Corp

The risk of recession has come down – Goldman Sachs

Still no recession in the foreseeable future, but a balance sheet recession – Cullen Roche

Growing signs of a disinflationary 2012?  –  Cullen Roche

The 2012 earnings outlook –

5 macro trends for 2012  – Council on Foreign Relations

Strategy, Risks & Top Trades for 2012

Bridgewater – buy treasuries and gold, sell stocks…

7 Calls for 2012 – Nomura Securities

15 surprises for 2012  – Doug Kass

A bullish outlook for gold in 2012 – Deutsche Bank

House prices to drop 30% in 2012?  –  RBC

8 Risks to equity markets in 2012 – Morgan Stanley

10 outrageous predictions for 2012 – Saxo Bank

4 risks in 2012 – Bank of America

Oil to rally again in 2012  – CitiGroup

10 market risks in 2012 – Nomura

2012 is shaping up to be a good year for equities – David Kotok

Stay in the equity game – PNC

The Dow:Gold ratio will hit 1:1 – Bob Janjuah, Nomura

10 for 2012 – Byron Wien, Blackstone

Gold is the ultimate bubble and could be on the verge of massive bear market – George Soros

2012 investing outlook – Kiplinger

How to invest in 2012 – JP Morgan

Oil prices just can’t fall much –  Barclays

Europe’s banks are insolvent – Michael Platt

Credit strategy 2012 – CitiGroup

2 bullish drivers for 2012 – Credit Suisse

Morgan Stanley 2012 commodities outlook – Morgan Stanley

6 reasons to remain bullish –  Jeff Saut, Raymond James

The 2012 commodities outlook – Diapason Commodities

Is QE3 on the way?  –  Cullen Roche

Still long gold and copper – Goldman Sachs

A sober look at natural gas – Sober Look

5 Investment themes for 2012 – Richard Bernstein

The consensus gold outlooks – Zero Hedge

7 investment ideas for 2012 – David Rosenberg, Gluskin Sheff

5 Risks heading into 2012 – David Rosenberg, Gluskin Sheff

Key Euro Crisis milestones ahead – DJ FX Trader

5 reasons to overweight the UK relative to EMU – Goldman Sachs

Top trades for 2012 – Goldman Sachs

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Julien Flot
Julien Flot

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