
Rosenberg: 10 choses inquiétantes pour Septembre

  • Emerging market balance of payments/currency problems that are reminiscent of the 1997 Asian financial crisis.
  • Looming debt ceiling debate in Washington.
  • Fed tapering isn’t a sure thing for September,  » but if not, it speaks to weakening economic backdrop. »
  • A third Greek bailout and that while Europe might have emerged from a recession, there is no catalyst for a recovery.
  • U.S. GDP estimates are being revised down.
  • Recent economic data shows that Canada has hit a « rough patch. »
  • « Some countries are contracting now (Thailand, Mexico and Netherlands). »
  • « Sharp bond spasm… spillover effects to other markets? Long bond is -17.5% in total return in the past 3+ months (which only happened twice before). »
  • Poor earnings for American retailers and a weak start to the back-to-school shopping season.
  • The « leadership vacuum at the Fed. » The absence of a Bernanke speech at Jackson Hole also makes the policy backdrop unclear.

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Julien Flot
Julien Flot

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