Housing is traditionally is not viewed as a great investment. It takes maintenance, it depreciates, it goes out of style. All of those are problems. And there’s technical progress in housing. So, the new ones are better….So, why was it considered an investment? That was a fad. That was an idea that took hold in the early 2000′s. And I don’t expect it to come back. Not with the same force. So people might just decide, ‘yeah, I’ll diversify my portfolio. I’ll live in a rental.’ That is a very sensible thing for many people to do.
…From 1890 to 1990 the appreciation in US housing was just about zero. That amazes people, but it shouldn’t be so amazing because the cost of construction and labor has been going down.
…They’re not really an investment vehicle unless you want it for your personal reasons.”
Sans remettre en cause les propos je ne pense pas qu’il faille voir l’immobilier comme un investissement mais comme un besoin intangible de vivre en sécurité sous un toit. J’adorerais lire ce que vous pensez sur le sujet :-)
PS: Je te recommande aussi de lire
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