
9 conseils de Buffet pour réussir sa vie

Trouvez votre passion

« Never give up searching for the job that you’re passionate about, » he says. « Try to find the job you’d have if you were independently rich. … Forget about the pay. When you’re associating with the people that you love, doing what you love, it doesn’t get any better than that.”

Cotoyez toujours plu fort et plus intelligent que vous

« If you tell me who your heroes are, I’ll tell you how you’re gonna turn out. It’s really important in life to have the right heroes. I’ve been very lucky in that I’ve probably had a dozen or so major heroes. And none of them have ever let me down. You want to hang around with people that are better than you are. You will move in the direction of the crowd that you associate with. »

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Apprenez à bien communiquer

« I became associated with the 30 other people in the class. We couldn’t stand up in front of a group and say our own name. I mean it was — we were — it was pathetic. But that class changed my life in a big way. »

Développez les meilleures qualités des autres

« Pick the person that has the right habits, that is cheerful, generous, gives other people credit for what they do. Look at all of the qualities that you admire in other people … and say to yourself, ‘Which of those qualities can’t I have myself?’ Because you determine whether you have them. And the truth is you can have all of them. »

Apprenez à dire Non

« You won’t keep control of your time, unless you can say ‘no.’ You can’t let other people set your agenda in life. »

Ne travaillez pas pour quelqu’un qui ne vous paye pas honnêtement

« I do very little negotiation with people. And they do little with me, in terms of it … if I was a woman and I thought I was getting paid considerably less than somebody else that was equal coming in, that would bother me a lot. I probably wouldn’t even want to work there. I mean, [if] somebody’s gonna be unfair with you, in salary, they’re probably being unfair with you in a hundred other ways. »

Intéressez-vous aux entreprises en forte croissance

« I mean, you want to get on a train that’s going to go 90 miles an hour and not one that’s gonna go 30 miles an hour and you’re gonna try to figure out how to, you know, push it along a little faster. So it really does make a huge difference. And there are some businesses that inherently [have] far more opportunities than others. »

Apprenez tout ce que vous pouvez sur votre industrie

« I knew a lot about what I did when I was 20. I had read a lot, and I aspired to learn everything I could about the subject. « 

Les jeunes femmes devraient avoir des mentors hommes

“These [mentoring] relationships all just evolve. I never set out to become a mentor … It’s amazing … how the person that really wants to do a terrific job just jumps out. There aren’t that many. You will be perceived as exceptional and as a worthy person for a superior to spend some extra time with if you just do something extra all the time. It seems elementary, but it’s true.”
At the end of his office hour, Buffett told everyone that even if they fail along the way, « the world isn’t over, » because « you are healthy, and bright and have decades ahead of you. »

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Julien Flot
Julien Flot

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