
Bourse 2013: La hausse ou la baisse

Pour plaire à tout le monde voici de quoi être super haussier et puis de quoi être super baissier. Comme toujours la vérité sera sans aucun doute au milieu. A lire donc mais à prendre avec des pincettes. Vous avez donc le choix entre ceux qui disent empruntez et achetez tout ce que vous pouvez. Et ceux qui disent que 2013 sera 1987 avec un bon gros dip qui mettra tout le monde chaos debout. Faîtes vos jeux…rien ne va plus jamais…Et le top du top est pour la fin, Goldman Sachs qui émet après avoir été très positif, des réserves pour les prochains mois tout en disant que chaque baisse sera achetée par le marché. Evidemment, pas un, ne s’engage sur un timing précis de ces prévisions. Sur une année, il est donc très probable, que chacun puisse avoir raison…toute la magie de la prévision mes chers graphs.


Bridgewater Associates LP, the $140 billion hedge fund founded by Ray Dalio, is betting on global stocks and oil as it expects money to move into equities and other assets amid increased economic confidence.

Bridgewater, the world’s biggest hedge fund, is bullish on stocks, oil, commodities and some currencies as it expects cash to shift to riskier assets, co-chief investment officer Bob Princesaid on a client conference call on Jan. 23.

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“You want to be borrowing cash and hold almost anything against it,” Prince said, according to a transcript of the call obtained by Bloomberg News. “We are at a possible inflection point right now with respect to the pricing of economic conditions in markets and then the actual conditions that are likely to occur.”

via bloomberg

Stocks are up big to start 2013 but Marc Faber, Editor & Publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, says it ends in tears.

« Either the market is going to correct more meaningfully now or we have a shallow correction and a continuously rising market until July or August, » Faber told me via phone from Thailand. If stocks don’t pullback soon, he says we risk a repeat of 1987 when stocks rallied 40% into summer only to collapse 41% in 2 months.

« In March of 2009 everything looked horrible, now nobody can find a reason why stocks could go down, » Faber claims. « We ask that you should buy stocks when everything looks horrible, you shouldn’t rush to buy them when everything looks perfect. »

Source : yahoo finance

« We think the equity market will need time to digest the recent gains, » Goldman said in a research note, although its long-term view is still pro-risk

« Asset prices have moved a long way and are now very close to our 3-months targets. »

Goldman Sachs says that the ongoing fiscal debate in the United States will have a bigger effect than previously anticipated.

« Due to the drag from fiscal contraction we only expect the U.S. to reach a trend-like level of growth by the fourth of quarter of 2013, » it said, adding that Europe also still posed downside risks.

« We believe that investors are now much more relaxed about European risks, and though we agree that risks have diminished, we are still far from a solution, and market focus on the remaining risks could flare up again, » it said.

Any sell-off in equities is set to be short lived, according to Goldman Sachs, and it has downgraded its outlook from overweight to neutral for three months, but is still overweight over 12 months.

(Read MoreStocks Are the New Bonds: Goldman Sachs)

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Julien Flot
Julien Flot

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