
Débat Romney-Obama ce qu’il faut retenir

-W. Kamau Bell ?–The media is promoting the #debates like a full on sports event. People are going to be real disappointed when it’s just 2 dudes talking.

-Analyst: Election now ‘a horse race’ Linnéa Sandström ?–Romney has a bigger US flag pin than Obama. The debate is over? #debates

-Storify: Jim Lehrer, the silent moderator
-Sarah Littman ?–Mitt: ‘I like coal’ Poor people will find it in their stockings if I am President. #debates
-Rachel Lichtman –So far the only Zingers are in Chris Christie’s glove compartment. #debates
-Amy Walter ?–‘Um, I was told there would be no math.’ #snl #debates
-Todd Barry ?–These guys are both feeding off the energy of the crowd. #debates
-Marc Lombardi ?–The debate would be much more interesting & informative if a buzzer went off every time an untrue statement was made. #debates
-Indecision ?–Things we’ve learned Mitt Romney likes: coal, Big Bird, Jim Lehrer.
-Kathleen Madigan –So far, this is as exciting as lunesta. Which I love. #mockthevote
-Aaron Blitzstein ?–‘It’s time for my second question.’ -Jim Lehrer at 3pm tomorrow
-Indecision ?–This campaign to re-elect Bill Clinton is going really well. #debates
-Storify: Big Bird and the presidential debate
-Kristi Harrison ?–I have to admit they’re both pretty handsome. I’m waiting for the swimsuit competition to decide. #debates
-Fired Big Bird –Somewhere Paul Ryan is kicking over trash cans in hopes of smoking out Oscar the Grouch
-Jim Sterling ?–Obama is winning in the ‘Looking amazingly condescending when the other guy talks’ race. #debates
-Danny Sullivan ?–Sorry, that was Obama spending five seconds arguing that he’s owed five more seconds to argue #debates
-Phil Plait ?–After reading all the variations of the debate drinking games, I have decided to simply remove my liver and set it on fire.
-Mo Mandel ?–This is the worst SNL skit of all time. #debates
-Tara Ariano ?–Frankly, neither candidate is working hard enough to land the immigrant feminist small business owner non-voting socialist vote. #debate
-Fired Big Bird –If you don’t vote Obama, Mitt Romney is going to be eating me by the end of November. Show your support. #BigBird2012
-Dave Weigel –This is like watching a tax law professor debate an investment advice infomercial host
-Silent Jim Lehrer –…I…so, I…guys…
-Nisha Chittal ?–where is the orchestra from the Emmys when you need them! #debates
-Crystal Bruce –Whoever dances off stage horse riding style to Open Gangnam —wins! #debates2012
-Doug Benson –14 minutes until we can all go back to preferring the candidate we liked when the debate started. #debate
-Are You Italian? ?–The debates in my house are much louder. #2012debate

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Julien Flot
Julien Flot

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