
Un jour la bourse baissera

Someday, financial markets will again decline. Someday, rising stock and bond markets will no longer be government policy – maybe not today or tomorrow, but someday. Someday, QE will end and money won’t be free. Someday, corporate failure will be permitted. Someday, the economy will turn down again, and someday, somewhere, somehow, investors will lose money and once again come to favor capital preservation over speculation. Someday, interest rates will be higher, bond prices lower, and the prospective return from owning fixed-income instruments will again be roughly commensurate with the risk.

Someday, professional investors will come to work and fear will have come to the markets and that fear will spread like wildfire. The news flow will be bad, and the markets will be tumbling.

Six years ago, many investors were way out over their skis. Giant financial institutions were brought to their knees…

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The survivors pledged to themselves that they would forever be more careful, less greedy, less short-term oriented.

But here we are again, mired in a euphoric environment in which some securities have risen in price beyond all reason, where leverage is returning to rainy markets and asset classes, and where caution seems radical and risk-taking the prudent course. Not surprisingly, lessons learned in 2008 were only learned temporarily. These are the inevitable cycles of greed and fear, of peaks and troughs.

Can we say when it will end? No. Can we say that it will end? Yes. And when it ends and the trend reverses, here is what we can say for sure. Few will be ready. Few will be prepared

Seth Klarman

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Julien Flot
Julien Flot

Julien Flot est Trader pour compte propre depuis 2006 et vous aide en toute transparence au quotidien à mieux investir en bourse.
Julien est comme vous, il a un jour voulu débuter en bourse, rapidement perdu quelques milliers d'euros avant d'apprendre de ses erreurs, bâtir une stratégie et l'appliquer avec discipline. Aujourd’hui grâce à sa "stratégie du moindre risque" il est devenu un investisseur qui bat régulièrement le marché! Sur Graphseo bourse, il partage depuis 2008 ses conseils en bourse, analyses et trades avisés pour vous aider à mieux investir et gagner en bourse à moindre risque! Découvrez son histoire en cliquant-ici

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