
La fin de la crise de l’euro dans 5 ans pour Merkel

Mrs Merkel said that though Europe was on the right path to overcome the crisis, she added: “Whoever thinks this can be fixed in one or two years is wrong.”

“We need a long breath of five years and more,” she told a conference in Sternberg, Germany. “We need rigor to convince the world it’s worth investing in Europe.”

The Euro crisis will remain a huge risk to the global economy.  And unfortunately, this sort of leadership isn’t helping matters.  The solvency crisis at the national level will continue as long as these countries can default on the currency they can’t create.  The interesting evolution of this crisis will be the political will behind austerity and the ECB’s actions.  Austerity clearly isn’t generating an economic recovery.  And the ECB is barely holding things together with their implicit backing of government bonds.  These countries clearly aren’t going to grow their way out of their debt problems.  That creates a substantial risk of two things:

  • A lack of political will to continue the ECB’s actions.
  • A serious risk of public uprisings.

Five years is a long time to expect these matters to continue without a substantial change in policy direction….

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Julien Flot est Trader pour compte propre depuis 2006 et vous aide en toute transparence au quotidien à mieux investir en bourse. Julien est comme vous, il a un jour voulu débuter en bourse, rapidement perdu quelques milliers d'euros avant d'apprendre de ses erreurs, bâtir une stratégie et l'appliquer avec discipline. Aujourd’hui grâce à sa "stratégie du moindre risque" il est devenu un investisseur qui bat régulièrement le marché! Sur Graphseo bourse, il partage depuis 2008 ses conseils en bourse, analyses et trades avisés pour vous aider à mieux investir et gagner en bourse à moindre risque ! Découvrez son histoire en cliquant-ici.

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