
Pour gagner il faut acheter cher et vendre encore plus cher

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“So we tested which strategy works better: Buying near 52-week lows… or buying at 52-week highs. We looked at nearly 100 years of weekly data on the S&P 500 Index, not counting dividends.

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You might be surprised at what we found…

After the stock market hits a 52-week high, the compound annual gain over the next year is 9.6%. That is a phenomenal outperformance over the long-term “buy and hold” return, which was 5.6% a year.

On the flip side, buying when the stock market is at or near new lows leads to terrible performance over the next 12 months… Specifically, buying anytime stocks are within 6% of their 52-week lows leads to compound annual gain of 0%. That’s correct, no gain at all 12 months later.

Using monthly data, our True Wealth Systems databases go back to 1791. The results are similar… Buying at a 12-month high and holding for 12 months beats the return of buy-and-hold. And buying at a 12-month low and holding for a year does worse than buy-and-hold. Take a look… “

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Julien Flot
Julien Flot

Julien Flot est Trader pour compte propre depuis 2006 et vous aide en toute transparence au quotidien à mieux investir en bourse.
Julien est comme vous, il a un jour voulu débuter en bourse, rapidement perdu quelques milliers d'euros avant d'apprendre de ses erreurs, bâtir une stratégie et l'appliquer avec discipline. Aujourd’hui grâce à sa "stratégie du moindre risque" il est devenu un investisseur qui bat régulièrement le marché! Sur Graphseo bourse, il partage depuis 2008 ses conseils en bourse, analyses et trades avisés pour vous aider à mieux investir et gagner en bourse à moindre risque! Découvrez son histoire en cliquant-ici

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